
Concept Development


Every concept is rooted in your brand’s DNA and a shared customer connection. If not already firmly established, we work together to develop your core identity. We weave this into your product’s design while strategically assessing design and consumer trends. Textiles, materials and color ways are all considered as we develop your prototype.

Product & Technical Design


The marriage of form and function and the shifting balance has driven our team of Designers to create products that have won World Cup Snowboard medals and helped keep the Maine Mariners and Wardens warm and dry. Problem solving design and engineering is our expertise. All of this occurs within your brand’s unique DNA and through the union of taste and innovation.

Our consultants provide expert knowledge in raw material engineering, garment fitting and material specification. Once your design is fabricated, we distribute products for field testing and analysis. Integrating this consumer insight into the final design is a crucial component of our success.

Manufacturing & Production


Our manufacturing strategy is focused on US production. We work with a broad network of vendors to source high quality materials in a timely and cost efficient manner. Production management consultants work together with our distribution partners to prepare your product for market distribution.

We have extensive experience in Asian, European and the Americas sourcing and are able to provide the same service as we can for US made production.

Market & Consumer Analysis


Our consultants examine your product’s competitive landscape and strategically position each line or product introduction for success. We utilize robust analytic tools to assess market trends and plan for future development.